赛事简介 / Registration Information

{0>重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会The General Regulations about the Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals in Chongqing <0}


{0>一、活动时间、地点. Time and Place of the Activity<0}

{0>时间:20161210-11Time: December 7 to 11 in 2016<0}

{0>地点:渝中区大田湾场馆Place: Datianwan Venue in Yuzhong District<0}


{0>二、开闭幕式时间、地点. Time and Place for Opening Ceremony <0}

{0>(一)开幕式时间和地点:20161210日,大田湾全民健身中心羽毛球馆。1. Time and place for opening ceremony: December 9, 2016 in tennis hall of Datianwan National Fitness Center. <0}


{0>三、组织机构. Organizations<0}

The {0>指导单位:中共重庆市委宣传部guiding unit: Propaganda Department of Chongqings     Municipal CPC Committee<0}

{0>主办单位:重庆市体育局Organizer: Administration of sport of Chongqing<0}

         {0>中共重庆市委对外宣传办公室Chongqing Communist party propaganda office<0}

          {0>重庆市人民政府台湾事务办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal    Peoples Government<0}

         {0>重庆市渝中区人民政府Chongqing Yuzhong District Government<0}

{0>承办单位:重庆市渝台经济促进会The sponsoring unit: Chongqing Taiwan Economic Association<0}

{0>重庆市对外文化交流中心Chongqing Foreign Culture Exchange Center<0}

{0>重庆市渝中区体育局Administration of Sport of Chongqing, Yuzhong District<0}

{0>支持单位:重庆市经济和信息化委员会The support unit: Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government

Commission of Economy and Information Technology of Chongqing<0}<0}

{0> 划:重庆市渝台经济促进会The sponsoring unit: Chongqing Taiwan Economic Association<0}

{0>组委会办公室:重庆市渝台经济促进会Organization Committee Office: Chongqing Taiwan Economic Association<0}


{0>四、活动主题. Theme of the activity <0}

{0>健康 友谊 快乐——重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会。Health, friendship and happinessthe sports meeting for Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan Compatriots and foreign nationals in Chongqing <0}


{0>五、比赛项目. Competition Events<0}

{0>五人制男子足球、乒乓球(男、女单打,男、女双打)、羽毛球(男、女单打,男、女双打)、网球(男、女单打,男、女双打)共四个大项12个小项。Four sports and thirteen events including mens five-a-side football, table tennis (singles and doubles for men and women), badminton (singles and doubles for men and women) and tennis (singles and doubles for men and women). <0}


{0>六、参赛资格. Entry Qualification<0}

{0>重庆市各港澳台社会组织,驻渝外籍人员社会组织,各国驻渝领事馆,外资企业,在渝港澳台和外籍留学生单位均可组团参赛。Social organizations of Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan in Chongqing, Social organizations of foreign personnel in Chongqing, consulates in Chongqing, foreign-owned enterprises and the entity of international students in Chongqing from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan and foreign counties are welcome to participate in this meeting by team.  <0}


{0>七、运动员资格. Qualification for Athletes<0}

{0>参赛运动员必须是港澳台籍或外籍人员,并持有港澳台证件或外国护照。The athletes must be Hong Kong, Macro, Taiwan or foreign people with Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan certificates or foreign passports.<0}


{0>八、参加办法. Participation Methods<0}

{0>(一)以代表团报名,各单位可单独组团,也可联合组团。1. Apply by delegation. All units can form a team separately or jointly. 联合组团的,必须明确牵头单位,由牵头单位负责组织协调工作。For those people who form a team jointly, the leading unit, responsible for organizing and coordinating the work, must be marked. 参加人员名单由大会组委会审核。The list of participants will be checked by organization committee.<0}

{0>(二)代表团名称由各代表团自定,可在地区或国家后面加上自选的名称,如台湾交流、英国友谊等,不能直接使用国名、地名。2. Names of all delegations are made by themselves. The name of their choice, like Taiwan Communication or Friendship from British, can be added after the region or the country. But directly using the country or place is forbidden.  

3. One athlete can only participate in one single event of one certain sport on behalf of only one unit, more than one single event is not permitted.

4. Related valid documentation <0}should be presented before athletes participate in their sport events.

5. Every athlete is required to have a physical examination to certify that they are suitable for their sport event. The Organizing Committee will buy accident liability insurance for every athlete, while the unit should be responsible for the safety of their athletes.


IX.  Method of Competition

1. The competition rules of each event shall be implemented in accordance with sports regulation concerned.

2. The latest competition rules authorized by the General Administration of Sport shall be fully implemented.

3. The group arrangement of every single event is arranged at random by the Organizing Committee.


X. Method of Ranking Admission

1. Top three of football game will be awarded, and top eight of other sport events will be awarded.

2. The moment all the competitions in each sport end, the awarding ceremony will be held.


XI. Application and Registration

1. The Sports Meeting only takes online application. Please  log in the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org),  choose the topic page of events, click application channel, fill in your application, and submit by the date of December 4, 2016; Or follow the WeChat public account Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition , choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.

2. Deadline of Application: 12:00 December 4, 2016. Application will not be accepted if it is overdue.

Address of the Organizing Committee: Room 0203, Municipal Authority Building, 252, Renmin Road, Yuzhong District

Contact Person: Deng Yiqing (63895098-805; 18580293220)

Application and Competition Advisory: 65231977

Duan Hanhan (13648390512) 

E-mail: 379699878@qq.com   WeChat: 13008302113


3. Delegations should apply for applications in accordance with the competition rules of each event. Application shall not be changed once completed.

4. Registration: All teams should register at the right time and place informed by the competition regulations and program.

5. Chief referee technology meeting:

(1) Football and table tennis: This meeting is held at 15:00 on December 62016 in the Organizing Committee Office. Team leaders or coaches are required to participate and collect the competition program.

(2) Badminton and tennis: this meeting is held at 15:00 on December 8, 2016 in the Organizing Committee Office. Team leaders or coaches are required to participate and collect the competition program.


XII. Outlay

This Sports Meeting is free of charge, but the participants should bear all the expenses (transportation, accommodation, clothing, sport shoes, rackets, etc.)


XIII. Referee

Referee including chief referee are designated by the Organizing Committee.


XIV. Other Matters

1. When choosing the event, all delegations must fill contact person in the form, write down the phone number and keep the phone on at all times.

2. All foreign delegations can make their own team flag and national flag. Delegations from Hong Kong, Macao can make the flag of the Special Administrative Region of China, and delegations from Taiwan can make Chinese Taipei Olympic flag. The flag specification is 3m*3m, color free with 3-meter-long flagpole.

3. Information related to the Sports Meeting (such as notice matters, scores bulletins, opening ceremony program, etc.) will be released on the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org).


XV. The matters are not prescribed will be informed until further notice. The right of regulation interpretation is reserved by the Organizing Committee.

Schedule for the Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals in Chongqing



{0>重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会The General regulations about the Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals in Chongqing 

The Regulations


                                                                                                                                                                Single Event Competitions



The Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals in Chongqing <0}

{0>羽毛球比赛竞赛规程The Regulations for Badminton Competition<0}


{0>一、活动时间、地点. Time and Place of the Activity<0}

{0>时间:20161210-11Time: December 9, 2016<0}

PlaceBadminton hall of Datianwan National Fitness Center


{0>二、开闭幕式时间、地点.Entry Qualification

{0>重庆市各港澳台社会组织,驻渝外籍人员社会组织,各国驻渝领事馆,外资企业,在渝港澳台和外籍留学生单位均可组团参赛。Social organizations of Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan in Chongqing, social organizations of foreign personnel in Chongqing, consulates in Chongqing, foreign-owned enterprises and the entity of international students in Chongqing from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan and foreign counties are welcome to participate in this meeting by team.  <0}


III .Competition Events


{0>男子单打、女子单打、男子双打、女子双打Mens singles, womens singles, mens doubles and womens doubles


{0>四、参加办法. Participation Methods<0}

{0>(一)每队可报领队1人,教练1人。1. One leader and one coach can be allowed for each team. 男、女运动员各限报3人(可少于3人),不能兼项。No more than three men and women respectively can be allowed for participation. Simultaneous entry shall be forbidden.<0}

{0>(二)运动员参赛时,球拍自带;并出示有效证件,经查验符合运动员资格后方可比赛。2. Athletes shall take their own badminton rockets. They can enter the competition on the condition of meeting the qualification under the check after presenting the valid documentation.

3. The participant numbers of mens singles and womens singles respectively are restricted to 16 persons; the numbers of mens doubles and womens doubles respectively are restricted to 16 pairs. <0}


{0>五、运动员资格. Qualification for Athletes<0}

{0>参赛运动员必须是港澳台籍或外籍人员,并持有港澳台证件或国外护照。The athletes must be Hong Kong, Macro, Taiwan or foreign people with Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan certificates or foreign passports.<0}


{0>六、竞赛办法. Competition Methods<0}

{0>(一)参照执行国家体育总局审定的最新《羽毛球竞赛规则》。1. The latest Rules of the Badminton Competitionexamined and approved by General Administration of Sport shall be practiced.<0}

{0>(二)各组比赛均根据报名人数确定比赛办法。2. The competition method shall be decided according to the number of participants for each group of the competition. <0}

{0>(三)各组比赛均采用三局两胜制3. The best of three gamessystem shall be adopted for each group.<0}

{0>(四)比赛采用单淘汰制4. Single knockout system shall be adopted for the competition.<0}

{0>(五)各队必须准时参赛,检录10分钟不到者视为弃权。5. Each team shall enter the competition in time, and the athletes who are not present after ten-minute check will be regarded to give up.  <0}


{0>七、名次录取奖励办法. Method of Ranking Admission<0}

{0>各单项录取前八名并给予奖励,不足八人名次递减一名录取。Top eight of each single event competition will be awarded.


{0>八、报名和报到. Application and Registration<0}

{0>(一)报名:本项目只采取线上报名,2016124日前登陆重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)报名,进入赛事专题页,点击(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。1. The Sports Meeting only takes online application. Please  log in the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org)  choose the topic page of events, click application channel, fill in your application, and submit by the date of December 4, 2016; Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit. 或关注微信公众号云动重庆,进入微运动选项,点击赛事报名选择(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.<0}

{0>(二)报名截止时间:201612412:00,逾期将2. Deadline of Application: 12:00 December 4, 2016. Application will not be accepted if overdue.不再接受报名。

{0>组委会地址:渝中区人民路252号市级机关综合大楼0203Address of the Organizing Committee: Room 0203, Municipal Authority Building, 252 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District<0}

{0>联络人:邓一青63895098-80518580293220Contact Person: Deng Yiqing (63895098-805; 18580293220)<0}

{0>报名及赛事咨询:65231977Application and Competition Advisory: 65231977<0}

{0>段晗晗(13648390512)     赵亚平(15123044053Duan Hanhan (13648390512)  <0}

{0>  :E-mail:<0} {0>379699878@qq.com   微信号:379699878@qq.com   WeChat: <0} 13008302113

{0>(三)报到:请按照秩序册上的比赛时间和地点提前30分钟到场。3. Registration: All teams should register at the right time and place informed by the Competition Regulations and Program. 秩序册将在裁判领队技术会议时发放,同步在重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)公布。The program will be given out in the chief referee technology meeting and simultaneously released on www.cqsports.org.   <0}


{0>九、裁判长和裁判员由大会组委会统一选派。. Referee including chief referee are designated by the Organizing Committee.<0}


{0>十、未尽事宜由组委会另行通知。. The matters are not prescribed will be informed until further notice.<0}

{0>重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会 The Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals in Chongqing <0}

{0>网球比赛竞赛规程The Regulations for Tennis Competition<0}


{0>一、竞赛日期和地点. Time and Place<0}

{0>时间:20161211Time: December 9 and 10, 2016<0}

{0>地点:大田湾全民健身中心网球馆。Place: Tennis hall of Datianwan National Fitness Center<0}


{0>二、参加资格. Entry Qualification<0}

{0>重庆市各港澳台社会组织,驻渝外籍人员社会组织,各国驻渝领事馆,外资企业,在渝港澳台和外籍留学生单位均可组团参赛。Social organizations of Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan in Chongqing, social organizations of foreign personnel in Chongqing, consulates in Chongqing, foreign-owned enterprises and the entity of international students in Chongqing from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan and foreign counties are welcome to participate in this meeting by team.  <0}


{0>三、竞赛项目. Competition Events<0}

{0>男子单打、女子单打、男子双打、女子双打Mens singles, womens singles, mens doubles and womens doubles<0}


{0>四、参加办法. Participation Methods<0}

{0>(一)各参 赛队可报领队1人、教练员1人。1. One team leader and one coach can be allowed for each team. 男、女运动员各限报3人(可少于3人),不能兼项。No more than three men and women respectively can be allowed for participation. Simultaneous entry shall be forbidden.<0}

{0>(二)运动员参赛时,球拍自带;需出示有效证件,经查验符合运动员资格后方可比赛。2. Athletes shall take their own rockets. They can enter the competition on the condition of meeting the qualification under the check after presenting the valid documentation.

3. The participant numbers of mens singles and womens singles are restricted to 16 persons; the numbers of mens doubles and womens doubles are restricted to 16 pairs. <0}<0}


{0>五、运动员资格. Qualification for Athletes<0}

{0>参赛运动员必须是港澳台籍或外籍人员,并持有港澳台证件或国外护照。The athletes must be Hong Kong, Macro, Taiwan or foreign people with Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan certificates or foreign passports.<0}


{0>六、竞赛办法. Competition Methods<0}

{0>1.参照执行国家体育总局最新审定的《网球竞赛规则》。1. The latest Rules of the Tennis Competitionexamined and approved by General Administration of Sport shall be practiced.<0}

{0>2.各组比赛均采用一盘平局决胜制2. The tie-breaker system shall be adopted for each group of the competition.<0}

{0>3.比赛采用单淘汰制3. Single knockout system shall be adopted for the competition.<0}

{0>4.各队必须准时参赛,检录10分钟不到者视为弃权。4. Each team shall enter the competition in time, and the athletes who are not present after ten-minute check will be regarded to give up.  <0}


{0>七、名次录取及奖励办法. Method of Ranking Admission<0}

{0>录取各单项前八名并给予奖励,不足八人名次递减一名录取。Top eight of each single event competition will be awarded.


{0>八、报名和报到. Application and Registration<0}

{0>(一)报名:本项目只采取线上报名,2016124日前登陆重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)报名,进入赛事专题页,点击(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。1. The Sports Meeting only takes online application, please  log in the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org)  choose the topic page of events, click application channel, fill in your application, and submit by the date ofDecember 4, 2016; Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.或关注微信公众号云动重庆,进入微运动选项,点击赛事报名选择(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.<0}

{0>(二)报名截止时间:201612412:00,逾期将2. Deadline of Application: 12:00 December 4, 2016. Application will not be accepted if overdue.不再接受报名。

{0>组委会地址:渝中区人民路252号市级机关综合大楼0203Address of the Organizing Committee: Room 0203, Municipal Authority Building, 252 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District<0}

{0>联络人:邓一青63895098-80518580293220Contact Person: Deng Yiqing (63895098-805; 18580293220)<0}

{0>报名及赛事咨询:65231977Application and Competition Advisory: 65231977<0}

{0>段晗晗(13648390512)     赵亚平(15123044053Duan Hanhan (13648390512)  

{0>  :E-mail:<0} {0>379699878@qq.com   微信号:379699878@qq.com   WeChat: <0} 13008302113

{0>(三)报到:请按照秩序册上的比赛时间和地点提前30分钟到场。3. Registration: All teams should register at the right time and place informed by the Competition Regulations and Program. 秩序册将在裁判领队技术会议时发放,同步在重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)公布。The program will be given out in the chief referee technology meeting and simultaneously released on www.cqsports.org.   <0}


{0>九、裁判长和裁判员由大会组委会统一选派。. Referee, including chief referee are designated by the Organizing Committee.<0}


{0>十、本规程未尽事宜,由组委会另行通知。. The matters are not prescribed will be informed until further notice.<0}






{0>重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会 The Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Compatriots Foreign Nationals in Chongqing <0}

{0>乒乓球比赛竞赛规程The Regulations for Table Tennis Competition<0}


{0>一、竞赛日期和地点. Time and Place<0}

{0>时间:20161211Time: December 7, 2016<0}

{0>地点:大田湾全民健身中心乒乓球馆。Place: Table Tennis hall of Datianwan National Fitness Center<0}


{0>二、参赛资格. Entry Qualification<0}

{0>重庆市各港澳台社会组织,驻渝外籍人员社会组织,各国驻渝领事馆,外资企业,在渝港澳台和外籍留学生单位均可组团参赛。Social organizations of Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan in Chongqing, social organizations of foreign personnel in Chongqing, consulates in Chongqing, foreign-owned enterprises and the entity of international students in Chongqing from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan and foreign counties are welcome to participate in this meeting by team.  <0}


{0>三、竞赛项目. Competition Events<0}

{0>男单、女单、男双、女双。Mens singles, womens singles, mens doubles, womens doubles.<0}


{0>四、参加办法. Participation Methods<0}

{0>(一)每队可报领队1人,教练1人。1. One leader and one coach can be allowed for each team 男、女运动员各限报3人(可少于3人),不能兼项。No more than three men and women respectively can be allowed for participation. Simultaneous entry shall be forbidden.<0}

{0>(二)运动员参赛时,球拍自带;并出示有效证件,经查验符合运动员资格后方可比赛。2. Athletes shall take their own rockets. They can enter the competition on the condition of meeting the qualification under the check after presenting the valid documentation.

3. The participant numbers of mens singles and womens singles respectively are restricted to 16 persons; the numbers of mens doubles and womens doubles respectively are restricted to 16 pairs. <0}<0}


{0>五、运动员资格. Qualification for Athletes<0}

{0>参赛运动员必须是港澳台籍或外籍人员,并持有港澳台证件或国外护照。The athletes must be Hong Kong, Macro, Taiwan or foreign people with Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan certificates or foreign passports.<0}


{0>六、竞赛办法. Competition Methods<0}

{0>(一)参照执行国际羽联审定的最新《乒乓球竞赛规则》。1. The latest Rules of the Table Tennis Competitionexamined and approved by International Table Tennis Federation shall be practiced.<0}

{0>(二)各阶段均采用三局二胜制,先胜两场为胜方,不再进行比赛。2. The best of three gamessystem shall be adopted in each phrase. The one who firstly wins two bouts will be the winner and the game ends. <0}

{0>(三)比赛采用单淘汰制3. Single knockout system shall be adopted for the competition.<0}

{0>(四)各队必须准时参赛,检录10分钟不到者视为弃权。4. Each team shall enter the competition in time, and the athletes who are not present after ten-minute check will be regarded to give up.  <0}


{0>七、录取名次和计分方法. Methods of Ranking Admission and Score Keeping<0}

{0>各单项录取前八名并给予奖励,不足八人名次递减一名录取。Top eight of each single event competition will be awarded.


{0>八、报名和报到. Application and Registration<0}

{0>(一)报名:本项目只采取线上报名,2016124日前登陆重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)报名,进入赛事专题页,点击(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。1. The Sports Meeting only takes online application. Please  log in the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org)  choose the topic page of events, click application channel, fill in your application, and submit by the date of December 4, 2016; Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit. 或关注微信公众号云动重庆,进入微运动选项,点击赛事报名选择(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.<0}

{0>(二)报名截止时间:201612412:00,逾期将2. Deadline of Application: 12:00 December 4, 2016. Application will not be accepted if overdue.<0}

{0>不再接受报名。<}100{>组委会地址:渝中区人民路252号市级机关综合大楼0203Address of the Organizing Committee: Room 0203, Municipal Authority Building, 252 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District<0}

{0>联络人:邓一青63895098-80518580293220Contact Person: Deng Yiqing (63895098-805; 18580293220)<0}

{0>报名及赛事咨询:65231977Application and Competition Advisory: 65231977<0}

{0>段晗晗(13648390512)     赵亚平(15123044053Duan Hanhan (13648390512)  

{0>  :E-mail:<0} {0>379699878@qq.com   微信号:379699878@qq.com  WeChat: <0}13008302113

{0>(三)报到:请按照秩序册上的比赛时间和地点提前30分钟到场。3. Registration: All teams should register at the right time and place informed by the competition regulations and program.秩序册将在裁判领队技术会议时发放,同步在重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)公布。The program will be given out in the chief referee technology meeting and simultaneously released on www.cqsports.org.   <0}


{0>九、裁判长和裁判员由大会组委会指派。. Referee including chief referee are designated by the Organizing Committee.<0}


{0>十、未尽事宜由组委会另行通知。. The matters are not prescribed will be informed until further notice.<0}


{0>重庆市港澳台暨外籍人士运动会 The Sports Meeting for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Compatriots Foreign Nationals in Chongqing <0}

{0>五人制足球比赛竞赛规程The Regulations for Five-a-side Football Competition<0}


{0>竞赛日期和地点. Time and Place

Time:10:00-16:00 on December 9 to 11 in 2016       <0}

          <0}{0>地点:重庆十一号足球公园足球场。Place: <0}Football field hall of Datianwan National Fitness Center

{0>二、参赛资格. Entry Qualification<0}

{0>重庆市各港澳台社会组织,驻渝外籍人员社会组织,各国驻渝领事馆,外资企业,在渝港澳台和外籍留学生单位均可组团参赛。Social organizations of Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan in Chongqing, social organizations of foreign personnel in Chongqing, consulates in Chongqing, foreign-owned enterprises and the entity of international students in Chongqing from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan and foreign counties are welcome to participate in this meeting by team.  <0}


{0>三、竞赛项目. Competition Events<0}

{0>男子五人制足球赛。Mens five-a-side football <0}


{0>四、参加办法. Participation Methods<0}

{0>(一)每队可报领队1人,教练1人,运动员限报10人(不得少于五人)1. One leader and one coach are allowed for each team. The athlete members shall be restricted to ten persons (at least five). <0} 

{0>(二)运动员参赛时,自备深、浅两套不同颜色的统一的比赛服装、护袜及球鞋;出示有效证件,经查验符合运动员资格后方可比赛。2. When the athletes participate in the competition, they shall prepare uniform sport clothing in both dark and light colors, socks and sport shoes. They can enter the competitions on the condition of meeting the qualification under the check after presenting their valid documentation.

3. The numbers are restricted to 16 teams.


{0>五、运动员资格. Qualification for Athletes<0}

{0>参赛运动员必须是港澳台籍或外籍人员,并持有港澳台证件或国外护照。The athletes must be Hong Kong, Macro, Taiwan or foreign people with Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan certificates or foreign passports.<0}


{0>六、竞赛办法. Competition Methods<0}

{0>(一)参照执行国家体育总局最新审定的《五人制足球竞赛规则》1. The latest Rules of the Five-a-side Football Competition examined and approved by General Administration of Sport shall be practiced.<0}

{0>(二)本次比赛根据报名队数决定赛制;可分组循环或淘汰赛。2. The competition system will be decided according to the number of registering teams. The group round robin and knockout will be considered.<0}    

{0>(三)各队必须准时参赛,检录10分钟不到者视为弃权。3. Each team shall enter the competition in time, and the athletes who are not present after ten-minute check will be regarded to give up.  <0}

{0>七、名次录取和奖励方法. Method of Ranking Admission<0}

{0>录取前三名并给予奖励。Top three shall be admitted and awarded.<0}


{0>八、报名和报到. Application and Registration<0}

{0>(一)报名:本项目只采取线上报名,2016124日前登陆重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)报名,进入赛事专题页,点击(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。1. The Sports Meeting only takes online application. Please  log in the website of Chongqing Sports (www.cqsports.org)  choose the topic page of Events, click application channel, fill in your application, and submit by the date of December 4, 2016; Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit. 或关注微信公众号云动重庆,进入微运动选项,点击赛事报名选择(赛事名称)报名通道填写报名信息并提交。Or follow the WeChat public account “Cloud Sport in Chongqing, choose the selection of micro-sport, click application for competition, choose the event, fill in the application form and submit.<0}

{0>(二)报名截止时间:201612412:00,逾期将2. Deadline of Application: 12:00 December 4, 2016. Application will not be accepted if overdue.<0}

{0>不再接受报名。<}100{>组委会地址:渝中区人民路252号市级机关综合大楼0203Address of the Organizing Committee: Room 0203, Municipal Authority Building, 252 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District<0}

{0>联络人:邓一青63895098-80518580293220Contact Person: Deng Yiqing (63895098-805; 18580293220)<0}

{0>报名及赛事咨询:65231977Application and Competition Advisory: 65231977<0}

{0>段晗晗(13648390512)     赵亚平(15123044053Duan Hanhan (13648390512)

{0>  :E-mail:<0} {0>379699878@qq.com   微信号:379699878@qq.com   WeChat: <0} 13008302113

{0>(三)报到:请按照秩序册上的比赛时间和地点提前30分钟到场。3. Registration: All teams should register at the right time and place informed by the Competition Regulations and Program. 秩序册将在裁判领队技术会议时发放,同步在重庆体育网www.cqsports.org)公布。The program will be given out in the chief referee technology meeting and simultaneously released on www.cqsports.org.   <0}


{0>九、裁判长和裁判员由大会组委会指派。. Referee including chief referee are designated by the Organizing Committee.<0}


{0>十、未尽事宜由组委会另行通知。. The matters are not prescribed will be informed until further notice.<0} 




Office of Administration of Sport of Chongqing   Issued on November 18, 2016   {0>
